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Copyright Terms for

All the contents of this website are the copyright of Mr. Futonge Nzembayie Kisito. It has taken great dedication, time and sacrifice to create these materials you download. We created this copyright page to give you a better idea on how to respect our work and encourage us by not infringing on our rights.
All the materials sold on this site are the copyright of Mr. Futonge Nzembayie Kisito and are covered by international copyright laws. The materials are available for private use ONLY. Private use here includes: one to one teaching or learning, individual use, using these materials within an educational institution and any educational non-commercial goal. Any commercial or non-commercial redistribution or reproduction of these products or a part of these products is strictly prohibited. Redistributing these materials on the internet is STRICTLY prohibited even if you are offering them free of charge. Of course this does not mean that you can’t make multiple copies for you and your students or friends as long as you don’t share it publicly on the internet. If you would like to use these materials beyond the licence limitations, feel free to contact me at

Website Copyright Terms

Futonge N. Kisito’s Copyright Notice - Kisi is the short of my name.
Unless otherwise stated, all materials at Chinese For Travel, including the text (quiz questions, transcriptions, and tutorials), HTML code, graphics, videos, photos, sound files, and overall design are copyright ©  2006 by Futonge Nzembayie Kisito , and are protected by international copyright law.
Apart from the free downloads offered on this site, no part of this site, including the HTML code, text, video or audio files, may be reproduced, copied, recorded, stored, modified, republished, downloaded, or distributed in any form without written permission of Futonge N. Kisito, except for the conditions below.

Terms of Use

My site has free materials to use online, but there are several limitations on how the material can and cannot be used. I have added this section for those  visitors who want to respect my work, but also want to use the site as part of their study and teaching.
Feel free to contact me if you would like to license the rights to use the materials beyond the limitations stated below. Any variations to these restrictions must be approved by Futonge N. Kisito:

Legal Use:

Individual Users:

  1. the contents of this site may be used online for personal use either at home, at an educational institution, or at a company;

  2. the pdf files may be printed for personal use offline. In other words, the quiz questions and a script can be printed and then used in a student's free time away from the computer.


  1. the materials may be used online at educational institutions, either for individual or teacher-guided instruction;

  2. teachers are permitted to use the materials in teaching.

Copyright © 2007 by Futonge Kisito Chinese For Travel  ( All rights reserved.

  1. making reference to the site and its activities in workshops or other presentations may be done without permission (I always encourage people to get the word out about my sites.

Prohibited Use:

  1. Copying, modifying, or redistributing the videos, mp3 files, quizzes and scripts beyond the limitations mentioned above whether it be for non-profit or profit purposes. In other words, you cannot republish the materials in any format whether it be for educational or commercial purposes, even if you cite this website;

  2. Modifying the materials without written permission from Futonge N. Kisito. Of course, please contact me if you have any particular suggestions about improving the material;

  3. saving the sound or video files using any means to a local computer or electronic media (cassettes) for either personal, educational, or commercial use or uploading of html, sound, and graphic files to any server either for storage or redistribution (e.g., you cannot create your own site and upload my files there, regardless of whether you identify my site as the original source);

  4. converting the sound and video files to any other format including .wav, mp3, .avi, .mov, and .aiff;

  5. installing or embedding the media files in any format to portable electronic devices including MP3/MP4 players and mobile phones(usually this applies to manufacturers); This does not mean that you cannot download and use the files on your ipods or media players.

  6. uploading and storing the html , Video and sound files to a local network, such as a computer lab, whether it be for educational or commercial use;

  7. creating a CD of my materials either for personal, educational, or commercial purposes;

  8. embedding the sound or video files in any other application is not allowed.

  9. The free downloads offered on this site may not be uploaded to another site, mass produced and  redistributed without the formal consent of Futonge N. Kisito. They are purposely for individual use. Students and teacher can download them for private language learning & Teaching.


The external links listed on this site are listed extra resources to visitors, but Futonge Kisito does not endorse, promote, or guarantee the quality or accuracy of product from any Websites except the following which are all our websites:


Feel free to contact me for clarifications on our terms.

  • Author : Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
  • Email:
  • Done: 6-10-2007


Sites for Teachers & Educators- We endorse the Following sites

ESL Kids Lab- Free ESL Resources for Kids

English Media Lab- Free online exercises for all levels : Free Worksheets for Teachers An ESL Grammar, Vocabulary and pronunciation portal : Free Podcasts & Downloads : An ESL Teacher and Learner Portal